Articles Tagged with Broward DUI lawyers

Fort Lauderdale DUI lawyers know that even when the evidence against you seems overwhelming, there are always strategies to minimize the damage. Some clients are surprised at how effective a skilled defense lawyer can be, particularly when they know their actions may have crossed certain legal boundaries.Fort Lauderdale DUI defense lawyer

According to recent state law enforcement data, there were an estimated 1,300 DUI arrests in Broward County in a single recent year. But arrest doesn’t mean guaranteed conviction – particularly if you prioritize legal representation.

A Florida DUI conviction can have serious consequences — for your freedom, your finances, and your future. Even if you know you were in the wrong, do not simply resign yourself to pleading guilty to DUI until you have first consulted with a Fort Lauderdale DUI defense attorney. We can explain exactly what a guilty plea to F.S. 316.193 will mean for you, and offer possible defense approaches that could work substantially in your favor.

Fort Lauderdale DUI Defense Strategies

Not every defense strategy will work for every situation. That’s why it’s important to have a lawyer look at the individual facts of your case, compare it to existing law, and map out potential weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. Some of the elements we’ll be examining closely:

How did the officer handle the stop?

Drivers can’t be pulled over for absolutely no reason. The officer must have reasonable suspicion that the driver violated the law — either a traffic law or some other. They can’t merely stop you on a hunch or gut feeling. They have to be able to clearly articulate good cause for their action. DUI checkpoints may be the exception, but even then, certain rules must be followed. If the stop was invalid from the start, any evidence gleaned thereafter can be tossed.

What kind of field sobriety tests were administered?

Standardized field sobriety tests are frequently used in DUI stops, but they aren’t an exact science — and police aren’t scientists or medical professionals. There are many peer-reviewed studies by actual scientists who concluded field sobriety tests may only be accurate 30% to 60% of the time. Courts allow them to be used as evidence to support an officer’s conclusion, but they aren’t mandatory (the way breathalyzer tests are per Florida’s implied consent law). Nor do they paint a complete picture, even if they are accurate. Our defense team will look closely at the type of test, the methodology, and the results. Continue reading

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