
Articles Posted in Fort Lauderdale defense lawyer


“Can I Be Arrested for Bullying in Florida?” Broward Defense Lawyer Has Answers.

It’s estimated that 1 in every 5 students is bullied at some point in their lives. But at what point does bullying become a crime? Can a person be arrested for bullying in Florida? Short answer is: Yes, you can be arrested for bullying in Florida. However, the charge that…


Could Florida Gun Possession Under Domestic Violence Restraining Order be Legalized?

The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to decide whether to uphold a federal law that prohibits individuals subject to a domestic violence restraining order from possessing firearms. The case is U.S. v. Rahimi, and it involves a Texas man accused of striking his girlfriend during an argument and later threatening…


Greater Use of Remote Technology Expected in Certain Florida Criminal Proceedings

We all know the legal world takes a bit more time than most to catch up to technological trends. Sometimes, this is a good thing; developing policy, procedure, and law on the basis of brand new tech that we still don’t fully understand the long-term implications of could have major…


How Do I Bail Someone Out of Jail in Fort Lauderdale?

“I got arrested. I need you to bail me out.” When you’re loved one has just been arrested in Fort Lauderdale, those words can make you feel as if you’ve just had the wind knocked out of you. Likely, you have lots of questions. But as our Fort Lauderdale defense…


Understanding Florida’s Domestic Violence Misdemeanor Diversion Program

When someone is facing a South Florida misdemeanor domestic violence charge, it’s worth exploring whether they qualify for a diversion program that would allow them to avoid a conviction. As our Broward domestic violence defense lawyers can explain, not every defendant is going to qualify and it may not be…


New U.S. Gun Law Targets “Boyfriend Loophole,” Impacting Florida Domestic Violence Convicts

A Florida domestic violence conviction can carry many substantial, long-lasting consequences – not the least of which being restrictions on the Second Amendment right to bear arms. This is why it’s so important to work with an experienced Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer from the very start of your case.…


Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent Until You’ve Hired a Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer

Cops can be intimidating. It’s fully intentional on their part. After all, it can be quite effective in terms of compelling suspects or persons of interest in criminal cases to talk freely during the investigation. But failure to exercise the right to remain silent until there’s a South Florida defense…


Fort Lauderdale Defense Lawyer: Should You Talk to Police if Questioned?

If you are questioned by police in connection with suspicion of a crime, should you talk? What if you’re innocent? Even if you aren’t, won’t it look worse if you refuse to cooperate? As a Fort Lauderdale defense lawyer, we generally assert that where possible, communication with law enforcement in…


Defense Lawyer: Florida Sex On The Beach Can Land You in Prison

In Florida, sex on the beach is typically understood as a cheeky, sugary cocktail with peach schnapps. It’s romanticized in a classic scene in the 1950s film, “From Here to Eternity.” However, having actual sex on a beach in Florida can land you in handcuffs (and not in a good…


Florida Domestic Violence Trial: Must the Victim Testify?

In a single recent year, Florida law enforcement agencies received 105,700 reports of domestic violence. More than half of those, 63,200, resulted in an arrest. It’s known to be a relatively under-reported crime, but there are a fair number of cases that go to trial wherein the alleged victim refuses…

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