Articles Tagged with Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer

A new Florida statute going into effect Oct. 1, 2024 will make it easier for law enforcement officers to verify whether you’re in violation of a Fort Lauderdale domestic violence restraining order. Fort Lauderdale violation of a domestic violence restraining order

The new law allows recipients of Florida protection orders to carry a single, wallet-sized card, called “Hope Cards,” to prove the valid status of an active restraining order.

As our Broward criminal defense lawyers can explain, those who secure a domestic violence protection order in Florida are generally expected to carry a physical copy of that order around at all times in order to quickly demonstrate to law enforcement that validity of the order. Otherwise, the police have to spend some time combing through the system to find and verify it. The problem with this, according to many victims’ advocates, is that those orders can easily be 9-10 pages long. They aren’t convenient to tuck into a purse or pocket.

Having an electronic copy is better than nothing, but they don’t have the benefit of a seal of the clerk of the court. Police can’t make an arrest for violating an order until they first verify that the order exists and is current.

Enter the Hope Cards.

What Hope Cards Will Mean in Florida Protection Order Violation Cases

They’re wallet-sized cards that are issued by the Clerk of Courts. More durable and convenient than keeping the whole order on hand.

Florida isn’t the first state to do this. Montana was the first. Half a dozen others followed. The cards cost about $40 each, but the state has received $705,000+ in funding to get it started. Grants and private donations may cover the rest.

As far as what this means for defendants accused of violating a domestic violence restraining order in Fort Lauderdale: Probably not much. Having that card on hand could result in faster turnaround on arrests. It could maybe result in more arrests and convictions if that faster turnaround means officers are able to follow up sooner and, in doing so, preserve certain evidence of relevance that they may not have otherwise. But that’s a lot of “ifs.”

Penalties for Violation of Fort Lauderdale Restraining Order

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The notion of making “evidence-based” decisions in a criminal case sounds like an all-around positive – right? After all, detention, arrest, conviction – all of that is “evidence-based.” Police, prosecutors, judges, and jurors can’t simply rely on their own whims to reach conclusions. They must use evidence. Man in orange jumpsuit cries in a jail cell; Fort Lauderdale defense lawyers fight against evidence-based sentencing that can be discriminatoryHowever, as Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyers can explain, using “evidence-based” tools can lead to substantially skewed and unfair outcomes when applied during the sentencing phase.

The Cornell Law Review opens its 2019 research on this very topic by breaking it down like this:

“Jack and Jill went up the hill to steal a pail of water, Both were caught and sentenced to jail, But Jack came out two years later.” Why was Jack sentenced to so much more time than Jill when they both committed the same crime and have the same criminal history? Because he’s male, and statistically, men have higher recidivism rates than women. If we’re relying on evidence-based sentencing, the judge may agree that Jack is more likely to offend – and give him a harsher sentence.

This is the problem with evidence-based sentencing. It relies on a range of factors – some relevant to the crime, others totally outside the control of the defendant (up to and including immutable characteristics) – to determine likely recidivism and fair sentencing.

Evidence-based sentencing leans on large datasets to evaluate the statistical likelihood between a group trait and the rate of re-offending. But it goes beyond prior offense. Some of the factors analyzed include things like:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Education
  • Marital status
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Parental convictions
  • Family members who were crime victims
  • High school grades
  • Chances of finding work above minimum wage
  • Dependence on social services
  • Finances
  • Crime statistics in their neighborhood of residence

As Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyers, we of course find this incredibly problematic for a number of reasons –  not the least of which being from a constitutional standpoint. Plus, there’s significant doubt when it comes to the scientific validity of such methods when it comes to the accuracy of using such factors to determine one’s likeliness of re-offending. Continue reading

One of the thorniest issues for any Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer and client is whether the defendant should take the stand and testify in their own testifying before Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney at trial

Although we understand the general inclination of our clients to “have their day in court,” clearing your name isn’t nearly as simple as courtroom TV dramas might suggest. It’s true that a defendant’s testimony can make or break a case. But that also means any defendant who takes the stand in their own Florida criminal trial is also taking some enormous risks. Sometimes it’s necessary, but it’s never a judgment call that should be made flippantly.

It’s important to point out that few criminal cases in Florida ever make it to the trial phase. The vast majority are either dismissed or settled with plea agreements, typically on reduced charges. Having a skilled defense attorney might increase the odds that your charges will be dropped early on, but it could also boost the chances of a trial. That’s because with a knowledgeable advocate,. you’re far less likely to settle in cases where there is weak or minimal evidence against you.

Y0u Aren’t Required to Testify in Your Criminal Case

While the court system has ways of compelling testimony from other witnesses in your case, the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution essentially prohibits an inquisition. You are protected against being compelled in any case to be a witness against yourself.

That same protection is outlined in Section 9 of the Florida Constitution, where it states that “No person shall be… compelled in any criminal matter to be a witness against oneself.” Prosecutors can’t use this fact against you for declining to do so, and you can’t be penalized for it.

So if you don’t want to testify, you are under zero obligation to do so. And there may be very good reasons your Fort Lauderdale defense lawyer might agree with that’s the best course of action.

What Do Fort Lauderdale Defense Lawyers Typically Advise? 

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Every state has its own way of determining what’s a fair prison sentence for those convicted of felony offenses. As a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer can explain, Florida uses the score sheet established in the Criminal Punishment Code (CPC). It’s used for ascertaining prison terms for those convicted of all felonies except capital offenses. Fort Lauderdale defense lawyer

If you’re arrested for a felony in Broward County, it’s imperative you speak to an experienced defense attorney who can help explain to you how the Florida criminal law scoresheet works. Doing so will give you a good idea of exactly how much time you may be facing.

Some may wonder, “Why not simply look up the statute and corresponding penalty?” That may be simple enough for those with internet access and the exact Florida criminal statute(s) applicable in their case. However, most criminal penalties have a broad range – and it’s not always clear where you might fall on that spectrum.

As noted in F.S. 775.08, felonies are criminal offenses punishable by the laws of the state that are punishable by imprisonment in a state penitentiary (as opposed to a county jail) or death (in the case of capital felonies). The maximum penalty one can face for a misdemeanor is one year in a county jail. For most felony convictions, the minimum you’ll serve is one year + one day. However, under the criminal scoring system, it’s possible that someone convicted of a felony who scores fewer than 44 points may receive an alternative sentence, such as probation.

There are altogether five (5) degrees of felonies in Florida:

  • 3rd-degree felony – Maximum 5 years in prison
  • 2nd-degree felony – Maximum 15 years in prison
  • 1st-degree felony – Maximum 30 years in prison
  • Life felony – Maximum Life in prison
  • Capital felony – Maximum Life in prison OR Death penalty

(Such maximum penalties may be enhanced under Florida’s 10-20-Life law, codified in F.S. 775.087, which requires a minimum sentence of 10, 20, or 25 years-to-life for the commission of certain felonies involving firearms.)

Factors Weighed in Florida Felony Sentences

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We all know the legal world takes a bit more time than most to catch up to technological trends. Sometimes, this is a good thing; developing policy, procedure, and law on the basis of brand new tech that we still don’t fully understand the long-term implications of could have major unintended consequences. Sometimes, it’s perhaps less positive – particularly when we’re relying on standards and technology that’s been rendered obsolete or even archaic by current standards. Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer

Recently, it was announced by the Florida Bar Association that the Board of Governors would be considering a proposed rule amendment that would compel judges to use remote technology in non-evidentiary hearings that last 30 minutes or less – unless they can show good cause why an in-person meeting is necessary.

What does this mean for defendants in Florida criminal cases? Mostly this is a win for everyone.

Some of the anticipated outcomes include: Continue reading

With the signature of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on April 3rd, 2023, Florida strengthened its citizens Second Amendment rights by allowing individuals to carry a concealed firearm (starting July 1st) without requiring purchase of a concealed carry permit. The measure makes Florida the 26th state to decriminalize concealed carry of a firearm without a permit or any requirement for special training. Fort Lauderdale firearm charges defense lawyer

This is a big deal because current law makes carrying a concealed firearm without a permit could be as serious as a third-degree felony. A conviction for this offense carries a penalty of up to 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine. That’s a serious weapons charge which could substantially impact one’s life for the worse. Until now, obtaining a Florida concealed carry permit previously required four hours of classroom time, firearm instruction, and passing a reasonable test. Those without a permit were required to keep their lawful firearms in a locked container. Concealed carry permits allowed individuals to keep their gun under their clothing, filing cabinet, or vehicle glove compartment.

In order for these new protections to apply, the law requires that the individual:

  • Be a U.S. citizen.
  • Be at least 21 years of age or older.
  • Have no disqualifying felony convictions or convictions for any crime relating to violence or drug abuse and no conviction for misdemeanor domestic violence offenses.

The state *may* also deny these protections to individuals on the basis of a history of drug and/or alcohol abuse, commitment to a mental institution, or dishonorable discharge from the military.

And although the law doesn’t technically take effect until July 1st, our Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyers understand there will not be legal penalties imposed on individuals between now and then for carrying a concealed firearm in public – so long as they aren’t in a prohibited area. Continue reading

An important part of an effective criminal defense strategy occurs in the discovery phase of the process, when both sides take depositions of witnesses. Depositions are sworn testimony given by witnesses out-of-court. Both prosecutors and defense lawyers use them to gather pertinent information about the case. They are set up in a question-and-answer format, typically with the witness, prosecutor, defense lawyer, and court reporter present. Witnesses are subpoenaed by the court, meaning they must appear and testify even if they don’t want to (though they may plead the Fifth to avoid self-incrimination). Not all information gleaned from the depositions will be allowed to be presented at trial (if the case gets that far), but it gives both sides a good idea of how witnesses will testify.

The idea is to evaluate witnesses, gather information, gain admissions, solidify trial testimony (“lock-in” witnesses to a certain version of events), identify theories and themes, and authenticate documents (such as police records and medical paperwork).  witness testimony

Recently, the Florida attorney general voiced support for proposed legislation that would prevent alleged victims in certain types of cases being compelled to testify in depositions. Offenses to which the rule would apply would include:

  • human trafficking
  • domestic violence,
  • aggravated cyberstalking
  • child custody offenses
  • human smuggling
  • lewd/lascivious offenses
  • child abuse
  • child neglect
  • traveling to meet a minor

According to a press release from the state attorney general’s office, SB 1208 and HB 1037 would “help prosecutors secure convictions” in human trafficking and other cases.

From the perspective of a Fort Lauderdale defense lawyer, this raises some alarm bells – specifically with regard to due process rights. Furthermore, the criminal justice system was not set up to make it easy to secure criminal convictions – for good reason. It was always intended that defendants would be presumed innocent until proven guilty by the highest proof standards. The Sixth Amendment guarantees those accused of a crime the right to confront witnesses against him/her in a criminal action. Shielding accusers in a criminal from lawful depositions by defense lawyers may potentially undercut this right.

What Does the Bill Propose?

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Broward criminal defense attorneyIf you’re arrested in Broward County, you might qualify for a Florida criminal case outcome that involves “withholding adjudication.” As a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer can explain, this is a type of case outcome that isn’t a conviction – but it isn’t an acquittal or dismissal either. If you’re likely to be convicted, a judge’s decision to withhold adjudication can be a preferrable outcome. However, if you’re innocent and/or there’s strong evidence supporting your defense, it may not be in your best interest to agree to an outcome of withholding adjudication.

It’s really important if prosecutors offer a plea deal in a criminal case that involves withholding adjudication that you confer first with an experienced South Florida criminal defense attorney who can explain how this is likely to play out in your case, and whether it’s wise given the unique circumstances of your situation. There are many scenarios for which fighting the charges or agreeing to plead guilty to a lesser charge is actually your best option.

What Does It Mean to Withhold Adjudication?

Essentially, withholding adjudication is a means of suppressing judgment. Per F.S. 948.01, judges in Florida are empowered to withhold adjudication for certain offenses and certain defendants. A person whose case ends in the judge withholding adjudication will face some sanctions (which will include probation), but not a formal conviction (unless they violate certain terms of the agreement).

This option is generally extended in cases involving:

  • First-time offenders.
  • Individuals not likely to re-offend.
  • Victims who were not seriously injured.
  • Those NOT facing first-degree felony, life felony, or capital felony charges.
  • Defendant is NOT facing a third-degree domestic violence charge – unless the prosecutor has made a special request OR the court finds there are mitigating circumstances (per F.S. 775.08435).
  • Defendant is NOT facing a DUI charge.

Although adjudication withheld can technically be granted for those facing second-degree felonies and third-degree felonies, it’s generally unlikely unless there are mitigating circumstances and the defendant has no history of prior offenses.

Adjudication withheld does NOT mean that the charges have been dropped (i.e., a nolle prosequi). Only the state attorney’s office can do that. Furthermore, while it’s technically a means to avoid conviction, some out-of-state commercial and government organizations may not recognize a “withhold” issued in Florida. Instead, they view it akin to conviction. As to whether you’re required to disclose these cases in paperwork for employment, financial assistance, housing, etc., it depends on how the question is asked. If the question is, “Have you ever been arrested or charged with a criminal offense?” your answer may still need to be “Yes.” If the question is whether you’ve been convicted, you can safely answer “no,” at least where this specific charge is concerned.

It’s also worth pointing out that if the case for which you’re seeking to have adjudication withheld involves a civil traffic violation that you’re hoping won’t show up on your commercial driver’s license record: No dice. Federal law – specifically 49 CFR 384.226 – prohibits this.

Benefits to Adjudication Withheld in Florida

All that said, having a criminal conviction “withheld” can be a best-case-scenario alternative outcome in cases where there’s strong evidence to support conviction. Our Broward criminal defense attorney team will try to do all we can to advocate for adjudication withheld in cases where it makes good sense to do so. Continue reading

Fort Lauderdale is a prime destination for tourists from across the country and around the world. It’s estimated more than 120 million people flock to Florida each year – many making their way to the Southeast coast. Unfortunately, if you’re arrested on vacation in Fort Lauderdale (most often for DUI, domestic violence, drunk and disorderly, solicitation, and drug possession), your good time can quickly morph into a legal nightmare. Our Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyers can help.Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer

How you proceed will depend to some extent on the severity of the crime and the specifics of the case. Chances are, if you’re arrested for a misdemeanor, you will not be held for any extended period of time in jail, but you may be expected to return. It is possible that a lawyer can resolve your case for you without you having to return, but again, it will depend on the exact circumstances. It’s also possible that the consequences of any conviction will follow you in your own district, particularly if there are any supervised release requirements.

If you’re arrested for a felony (which are more serious charges), you may expect your time in jail to be a bit longer, and your legal fees, court costs, and penalties to be more substantial.

It is important to keep in mind that simply going home will not make the charge go away. It is critical to consult with an experienced, local Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer who will offer sound legal advise, ensure your rights are protected, and fight for the best possible outcome.

Some factors to consider following a Fort Lauderdale arrest on vacation: Continue reading

Non-fatal strangulation involving intimate partners is seen as a bright red flag foreshadowing the risk of domestic violence homicide. In one analysis published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine, 60 percent of those who experience domestic violence are strangled during the course of that relationship. If the person loses consciousness, they risk death within one-to-two days due to strokes, aspiration, and blood clots. A person who is strangled once is 800 percent more likely to become a victim of homicide by their partner. domestic violence attorney Fort Lauderdale

For these reasons, as our Fort Lauderdale domestic violence defense lawyers can explain, Florida prosecutors and the courts are going to take an allegation of domestic violence strangulation very seriously. If convicted, you will be facing substantial penalties, including the possibility of years behind bars.

If you are accused of domestic violence strangulation in Florida, it is imperative that you immediately get in touch with a criminal defense attorney. A lawyer will work to inform you of your rights and obligations, protect you from unwittingly harming your case, and swiftly identify any violation of rights that may impact the strength of the state’s evidence against you.

What is Domestic Violence Strangulation?

Under Florida law, domestic battery by strangulation, as defined in F.S. 784.01, is a felony offense. It’s a charge that can apply when a person commits domestic battery while knowingly, intentionally, and against the will of the other person impedes the normal breathing or circulation of blood of a person, so as to create great bodily harm while applying pressure on the throat or neck or by blocking the nose or mouth. The victim in these cases is a family or household member, a romantic partner (current or previous) or someone with whom you share a child.

This offense is considered a third-degree felony. Although that is technically the lowest level of felony, it still carries potential penalties of up to five years in prison PLUS five years of probation PLUS $5,000 in fines – not to mention restrictions on firearms possession and mandatory batterers’ intervention courses (which you must pay for). If there are aggravating circumstances, such as use of a deadly weapon or a victim who is a minor, the charge could be bumped to a second-degree felony, which carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. This is also true if the alleged victim suffers serious or lasting injury or death. Those with prior criminal records will likely face more significant penalties as well.

It’s important for anyone facing a Florida charge for domestic violence strangulation to understand that prosecutors are aggressive when it comes to this charge. They will be pressing the courts for extended periods of prison time and probation oversight. Even if this is the only time you’ve ever been in trouble with the law, you can expect that they are going to try to throw the book at you. And because this is a domestic violence case, it doesn’t matter if the alleged victim wants to “drop the charges.” They don’t have the authority to do so. Only the prosecutor does. This is another reason you need to have an attorney with specific experience in domestic violence cases representing you.

Failure to Seek South Florida Domestic Violence Attorney Help Can Hamper Your Case

This is a charge that will substantially impact you for the rest of your life if you’re convicted. Continue reading

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