
Articles Posted in criminal defense lawyer


Fort Lauderdale Defense Lawyer Explains Why You Should Contest a Domestic Violence Injunction

If you are arrested for domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale, you may also soon be served with a domestic violence injunction. We understand that you may not want anything to do with that person anymore anyway. You’ll gladly stay away – so why bother fighting back? If you are the…


Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyer Warns of Push Notifications Used in Police Investigations

Push notifications – those pop-up alerts on your phone generated by apps when you aren’t using them – are now being used by federal and state police in criminal investigations. As a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer, it’s my job to stay up-to-date on the ways in which Florida criminal…


Why Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyers Must Combat Evidence-Based Sentencing

The notion of making “evidence-based” decisions in a criminal case sounds like an all-around positive – right? After all, detention, arrest, conviction – all of that is “evidence-based.” Police, prosecutors, judges, and jurors can’t simply rely on their own whims to reach conclusions. They must use evidence. However, as Fort…


Greater Use of Remote Technology Expected in Certain Florida Criminal Proceedings

We all know the legal world takes a bit more time than most to catch up to technological trends. Sometimes, this is a good thing; developing policy, procedure, and law on the basis of brand new tech that we still don’t fully understand the long-term implications of could have major…


Why One Man’s Trash is a Florida Prosecutor’s Treasure

Most people don’t give their trash a second thought once they’ve brought it to the curb. However, the contents of that garbage can be life-altering for suspects in criminal cases. As our Broward criminal defense lawyers can explain, so-called “trash pulls” are an increasingly common means for police and prosecutors…


Is kleptomania a defense in a South Florida theft case?

“Did you HAVE to steal that?” If the person you’re asking has kleptomania, the answer could very well be, “Yes.” But is it a viable criminal defense in a South Florida theft case? Maybe. It’s probably only a successful defense strategy in a small percentage of Florida theft cases. But…


How Do I Bail Someone Out of Jail in Fort Lauderdale?

“I got arrested. I need you to bail me out.” When you’re loved one has just been arrested in Fort Lauderdale, those words can make you feel as if you’ve just had the wind knocked out of you. Likely, you have lots of questions. But as our Fort Lauderdale defense…


5 Possible Defenses to Fort Lauderdale Domestic Violence Charges

If you are arrested for domestic violence in Fort Lauderdale, there is no one-size-fits-all defense solution. That said, there are some strategies that are commonly used because they have proven effective in many cases. When you hire a defense lawyer, you can generally trust they are going to carefully examine…


Understanding Florida Criminal Sentence Enhancements for Prior Felony Offenders

Florida law imposes minimum mandatory sentences for certain serious or violent offenses. However, even someone who is convicted of a less serious offense may face severe penalties – if they had a prior conviction. In fact, the state legislature imposes several categories of sentencing enhancements for repeat offenders, which include:…


Broward Defense Lawyer Breaks Down Florida Criminal Case Process

Navigating the Florida criminal case process is overwhelming for anyone arrested in the Fort Lauderdale area. Working with a dedicated Broward defense lawyer who knows the law, the local players, and the legal strategy most likely to help you prevail is essential. That said, we do like our clients and…

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